♫ A música… “I’M SO HAPPY!” Year1 (1r A i 1rB)

Hola famílies! Hello families!

• A música hem après unes cançonetes en anglès i us volem ensenyar com ho fem de bé.  Mireu les fotografies i el vídeo d’una de les cançons!

In the Music subject we have learnt an English song and we would like to show you how well we are doing it. Look at the pictures and the video of one of the songs!


• El nom de la cançó s’anomena “I’m so happy!”. La podeu escoltar, cantar i practicar-la aquí:

The song is called “I’m so happy!” . You can hear, sing and practice it here:


• Primer, vam treballar el vocabulary relacionat amb la cançó. Són accions que fem durant el dia i també per posar-nos en forma i estar actius. Sempre ben contents! ♥

Firstly, we worked on chunks of vocabulary related to the song. These are daily actions and these can be done to be fit and active. Always happy! ♥


1rA (Year1):


• Després, vam assajar la lletra de la cançó amb tots els seus moviments. I mireu aquestes flors tan mones i acolorides i les hervetes verdes de primavera.

Then, we rehearsed the lyrics of the song with all of its movements. And look at these cute and colourful flowers and the spring green grass.

1rB (Year1):

• I aquest és el resultat final!

And this is the final result!



• Esperem que us hagi agradat molt! Nosaltres ens ho vam passar molt bé!

We hope you like it a lot! We had a great time!


Marta de músicaMusic Note GIF by Tata Sky - Find & Share on GIPHY



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