A to Z of English

Our Batxillerat students have attended one of Burlington Culture Classes. They have gone through the English alphabet, taking one word for each letter and explaining some fascinating facts relating to that word. Along the way, they have discovered some ‘false friends’ and explained the origins of a number of idiomatic expressions.


Aquesta activitat ha estat gentilesa de Burlington Books.

Xerrada “Santponç’s Steam Machine”

El passat dijous, la nostra companya Maria Montava, va realitzar una xerrada adreçada a l’alumnat de batxillerat tecnològic, que duia per títol Spread of steam technology in Catalonia: contribution of Francesc Santponç i Roca (1756 – 1821).
Aquesta activitat està emmarcada en el conjunt d’activitats dutes… Llegeix més»