Els alumnes de 4t, 5è i 6è hem anat a veure l’obra de teatre en anglès “Treasure Island” i han gaudit moltísim! Us deixem aquí algunes fotos i  l’historia sobre Jim Hawkins  and the secret treasure.

Jim Hawkins, a young man, works in a pub called The

Admiral Benbow. It was his mother’s pub when she was

alive but now it is his pub. Unfortunately, Jim doesn’t

like working in a pub. He likes the sea and dreams of going on

a sailing adventure.

One day Billy Bones, a pirate, comes into the pub. He dies

with a treasure map in his hand. Jim looks at the map. It is

a secret treasure map of Treasure Island. It says that on the

island there are three clues that will help him find the treasure.

Jim decides to go to Treasure Island.

He wants the treasure.

Of course Jim needs a ship. He meets Captain Long

John Silver. Jim tells Long John Silver about Treasure

Island. Long John Silver offers to take Jim on his ship,

The Hispaniola. Jim agrees and they set off on the


Unfortunately for Jim, Long John Silver is a pirate!

When they arrive at Treasure Island, Long John Silver

tries to steal the map from Jim. But Jim escapes with

his map and goes to find the three clues. The three

clues that will take him to the treasure.

When Jim starts looking for the treasure, he meets an

old man called Ben. Ben has been on the island for a long

time and helps Jim find the three clues.

Clue 1: Change letters on the finger tree.

Clue 2: ➙ 2 seas

Clue 3: ???

But Long John Silver is very angry and he’s looking for Jim

and his map! So, who is Ben? Will Long

John Silver get the map and, of course, where is the treasure?

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