Georgina and the dragon

18 de novembre de 2015


Why is King Stan sad? He’s got three problems!

But why is the dragon also sad?

And what are those bad Vikings doing in the Kingdom? And the pirates?

On Wednesday 21st our pupils got the answers to these questions by going to the Theatre to see Georgina and the Dragon. They sang, they shouted and they also performed part of the play as volunteers, which is the point they love best.  Georgina, the main character, took some of them from the audience and brought them to the stage.

Pancho from Freixinet acted out as the King. He wore the crown for a little while and sang the song of the King’s happiness. Then Berta from Navès was a frightening pirate. Finally, Adrián from Sant Climenç was a terrible Viking. It was very funny to see them acting.

When the play finished, all the pupils were invited to ask some questions to the actor and the actress. They explained to us that they were called Olivia and Alfie and that they came from England. This is why they speak perfect English!



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