The kids of ZER of Solsonès, celebrate the final journey in Ardèvol.

Last Friday, 2nd of June, all the kids and teachers from ZER El Solsonès went to Ardèvol to celebrate the English Day. To start the journey, they had a typical English breakfast which consisted of pancakes with syrup, toastes, bacon, scrambled eggs, juice, water and milk. It was delicious!

After breakfast the boys and girls searched for his godsons and goddaughters to dance songs and have a good time together.

Then the 6th grade students and some teachers played the traditional football match.Teachers won the match (4-0) and then Primary students started to do the activities that consisted of answering questions of famous music groups.

At the same time the Kindergarten children started to do Itsy bitsy Spider activities. They listened to the story of this funny spider and made a craft.


Then, all the ZER students had lunch in pairs of the godparentship activity. To finish the English journey, Primary students made a concert with seven songs. The groups were: Bob Marley, Bon jovi, Lady Gaga, The Cranberries, Rihanna, Bruno Mars and The cure. The groups were very cool and we had a fantastic time!






We said goodbye to the 6th grade students with a very emotional video and a song.

It was an unforgettable day.

Writing students Sant Climenç School.

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