Erasmus students in Romania


This Sunday, 20th November, a group of 10 students from El Vern is going to Romania as part of the last mobility of the TEAMS Erasmus Project. The students are going to live an international experience together with Romanian, Portuguese, Serbian and Polish students. During their stay in Pui, Romania, all the students and teachers will share STEAM activities such as Robotics together with activities which will allow them to enjoy part of the Romanian Heritage. On their way back home, they are going to have the opportunity to visit a typical Christmas Market in the German city of Frankfurt am Main. 

They are all very excited and happy to be part of El Vern Erasmus Project



Let’s compose a jingle

Durant el segon trimestre l’alumnat de 4t de l’optativa de música han estat realitzant les composicions per a crear un jingle o himne del projecte Erasmus Teams.
En total hem creat 10 propostes de jingle, una per a cada alumne participant, de les quals en triarem… Llegeix més»