No et tallis. Expressa’t project

For two weeks our 1st ESO students have been working in a cross-curricular project called, No et tallis. Expressa’t. 

We thought that it would be a good idea to prepare a project related to feelings and emotions after being in quarantine for so long and taking into account the situation we are living right now. Bearing in mind the objective of the project, in English they have been working on the vocabulary we use to express our feelings and emotions and they have been seeking introspectively how they feel when having specific emotions.

Considering that it has been the first time our students work in groups,  and in a cross-curricular project in our high school, we can say that it has been an exciting experience for them. We hope they have liked the experience and enjoy a lot the rest of the projects we are preparing for them.

Andrea Gutiérrez



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