Activitat d’anglès a 3r d’ESO

Aquí teniu el text fet per l’alumnant de 3r C:

Last week, we had an activity during our English class that was hosted by a British man called Danny.

We learnt things about the UK culture such as the meaning of the Union Jack flag and which flags compose it, the food culture, for example, a famous food in Scotland named “Haggis”, the animals that represent other countries, etc. We also talked about the British Royal family and the speaker explained things about Big Ben too. He told us that the name Big Ben comes from the builder “Sir Benjamin Hall” .In general, we learned a bunch of things.

We also played some games, for instance, the speaker would pick a random person throughout the presentation and if you answered correctly, he would give you a prize, which in this case, was a pen. You also had 3 jokers, you could choose one of the three jokers, these would help you answer the questions with ease, they were: 50:50, call/phone Danny’s mother, and ask the audience for help.

It was worth doing this activity, it was pretty dynamic, we learned new things about the UK and I think everybody enjoyed it. The speaker had a special connection with the class, he was very funny, cool and made us enjoy it even more. In my eyes, the activity was so amusing and fun. We liked it a lot!