Erasmus+ a Finlàndia

L’alumna de 2n del Grau Superior de condicionament físic Mar Costa ha pogut gaudir d’una estada a Tampere (Finlàndia) gràcies a la beca Erasmus+.

Allà, a més de posar en pràctica diversos aprenentatges adquirits durant el cicle (gestió esportiva, conducció de classes diverses, etc.), va poder realitzar activitats físiques a l’exterior com esquí de fons, fent d’aquesta estada una aventura inoblidable.

L’estada a Tampere també va permetre a la Mar poder practicar la llengua anglesa, així, ha pogut escriure un article en anglès per la web de l’institut on ens explica la seva experiència de primera mà.


A Sporting Adventure: My Erasmus Experience in Finland

When my friend and I signed up for an Erasmus exchange in Finland, we had no idea we’d be trading fitness classes for ski poles. But that’s exactly what happened when we landed in Tampere.

SportUni was not just a gym; it was our classroom, our playground and our sweat lodge all rolled into one. We learned the ins and outs of sports management, led classes and attended a few to learn from the workers.

But let’s talk about the highlight: outdoor adventures. Finland isn’t all sauna and reindeer (although we experienced plenty of those). We strapped on cross-country skis and zoomed through snow-covered forests, and when we weren’t mastering the art of cross-country skiing, we were blasting down slopes on traditional skis or sledding down hills like kids on a snow day.

Sure, we fell a few times (okay, more than a few), but that’s all part of the fun, right? Besides, nothing brings people together like laughing at each other’s wipeouts.

As our time in Finland came to an end, we realized it wasn’t just about the workouts or the adrenaline-pumping adventures. It was about immersing ourselves in a new culture, forging friendships over shared experiences, and coming home with memories that would last a lifetime.

Kiitos, Finland. You’ll always hold a special place in our hearts.

Mar Costa