Concert de flauta de 1r i 2n d’ESO

La setmana passada vam gaudir a l’institut de dos concerts de flauta. El dijous 25, l’alumnat de 1r ESO ens van oferir una audició en què ens mostraven els elements del llenguatge musical que han après. Durant aquest curs… Llegeix més»

PE (Physical Education) classes in 1st ESO

As you know, from 1st A to 1st D of ESO PE classes are being taught in English. This term we are playing Basketball and the students know the basic rules in English. The instructions of the class are in English and the students know that always in PE classes we start with a general warm up. In next video you can see how the students of 1st D, do the warm up following the instructions of the teacher. Now is time to enjoy the video!!!