My life in stories

My name is Marc, I’m fifteen years old and I live in Artesa de Segre. Today I’m going to explain you three expiriences that have made me a better person.

My first expirience is when I was 10 years old, this expirience is about football and is when Barça asked to me to do three football trainings and with this trainings see if I could up for the club .

My second expirience is when I was eleven or twelve years old and is about football too. It’s when a trainer asked me to form part of a selection, the Selection of Lleidaand with this selection I went to a tournament with the best Spanish teams and we could beat them.

The third expirience is when I was thirteen years old and I went to do the football tests with Zaragoza because they wanted me play with the club, but this couldn’t happen because I was under 15.

With these expiriences I’ve learnt that all is posible and that I shouldn’t stop dreaming because when you things correctly everithing comes up, this is what my father says to me.

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