My life in stories

My first story is about friendship, when I arrived in Spain I did not have friends and I felt bad, then I started making friends very quickly and these friends helped me and stayed with me in the bad and good times.
The conclusion of this story is that when you think you’re alone there is always someone who will help you.
The second story is about adulthood and what it means. When I started the first year of high school, my father told me a phrase I would never forget, he told me that now it was alone that phrase made me think of many things but what I discovered was that when you become an adult you learn that you must accept the consequences of your actions.
The conclusion of this story is that when you become an adult all the things you do have a consequence.
The last story is about death. When I was 9 years old, my grandfather died, I felt very bad but with the help given to my friends and family I overcame this stage of my life.
Even if you lose someone you love, you will always have someone who will help you.

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