Sortida a patinar dels alumnes de 1r d’ESO

El dijous 8 de novembre les noies i nois de 1r d’ESO van fer una fantàstica sortida de a patinar sobre gel al Palau blaugrana. L’objectiu de l’activitat, a part de fer esport, era el fet de compartir una jornada i enfortir els llaços entre els alumnes i també amb els professors. L’objectiu es va acomplir amb escreix.

Els alumnes van gaudir molt i van aprendre i perfeccionar la seva tècnica de patinatge. Per arrodonir la sortida vam tornar sense cap lesionat important.

Aquí us deixem alguns documents gràfics per tal que us en feu una idea. Esperem que us agradin.

A continuació us deixem els comentaris d’un parell d’alumnes de la sortida:

“Last week I went ice skating with my school. At seven o’clock I got up very nervous. I had breakfast, and at quarter past nine we took the bus to Barcelona.

When we arrived there, we ate a snack. After that, the teacher gave us the tickets. Then we put on the skating boots and started skating. We were skating for 1 hour and 45 minutes. When we finished, we took the bus back to school.

I liked it very much and I would like to repeat this experience again!”

Xènia Sánchez, 1st ESO C

“Last Thursaday we went to Palau Blaugrana. This was our first school trip. When we arrived, we ate our sandwich and put on the ice skates. At first, it was very difficult but after an hour we were experts. During the first 15 minutes I fell down more than 10 times, like a cat in water, but I’m well. When we went back to school we played football and volleyball on the playground.”

Mariona Manchón, 1r B

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