Vocational training students, guests on radio show ” LET’S TALK”

Last 24th November, two Brugulat students visited Ràdio Banyoles to record an interview for the English Radio programme Let’s Talk. The programme is split in two parts; the first consists of an interview with Xavi Navarro, a teacher of English from Olot for whom travelling is a way of life and who has lived and been to plenty of countries around the world. Some Financial management and Administration Upper Vocational Training students interviewed him about his stunning experiences around the world; the second part is a chat with Simon Rodríguez and Pau De Llobet, two students who talk about Upper Vocational Training Courses at Ins Josep Brugulat and their own experiences as students of Mechatronics and Design and Furnishing respectively.
The interview offers a closer approach to VT Programs and they are presented as another path to Postsecondary Education and University.
We are truly grateful to our VT students, especially to Simon and Pau, for accepting this challenge. No doubt they had a great time on Ràdio Banyoles. Visit the link.

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