Radio Banyoles gives voice to Brugulat artistic baccalaureate students

Last Thursday some Art and Music baccalaureate students participated in the Banyoles Radio program Let’s Talk conducted by Ellen Whelan. Our students talked a bit about their curriculum as well as the two different artistic branches our school offers, the Fine Arts baccalaureate and the Performing one. Sira Gordillo, 2nd batx and Ferran Mateos, 1st batx, two Fine Arts students, were asked to explain some of the Art projects our school is involved in. Thus, they presented the Bòlit Mentor Project, organised by El centre d’Art Contemporani de Girona, and which consists of local artists working together with secondary students at schools. We got to know that last school year the guest artist was Irene Visa, a photographer and visual artist, who spent the first and second term working with our Art students on a project around the “teen world“ which ended up with an exhibition at the Exhibition Centre Bòlit La Rambla in Girona.
They also explained the Shop-Windows Intervention Project, which last year was based on Ramon Llull‘s “El llibre de les bèsties”, taking advantage of the fact that 2016 had been the Llull Year. “Les bèsties en el llibre“, as they called the project, consisted of decorating some shop-windows with drawings of animals to celebrate the World Art Day.
On the other hand, the two Performing Baccalaureate students, Tura Sala, 2nd batx and Arnau Grabulosa, 1st batx, explained last year school Music Project Dancedub in which all school members participated dancing a song recorded by our Music Batx students; they also mentioned the dance project they are carrying out this year in collaboration with some dance teachers from Dans, a dance school sited in Banyoles; then they described some of the Christmas concerts they gave at a nursery school, a primary school and a nursing home last Christmas and went on with the Percussion Project with Santi Serratosa ( musician, music therapist and body percussionist ) they are performing this year. Finally, they also talked about some workshops with artists such as Guillem Roma, Jordi Ribot, Arnau Tordera and Quartet Mèlt.The interview finished with an awesome music performance by Tura (voice) and Arnau ( guitar ) who interpreted “Virtual Insanity” (Jamiroquai).
Thank you , Artists!!!

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