ART & CRAFT (Activitat 9) /27-Maig-2020/: FRIDA KAHLO

Watch the video to start.

If you go into the website below, you will find the information about Frida:
And there’s also a interesting video about Frida’s biography. If you want to have a look at it, click the link below:
Hope you like it!
(Recordeu enviar-me… Llegeix més»

ART & CRAFT (Activitat 8) /20-Maig-2020/: KANDINSKY

Click the audio to start.
If you go into the website below, you will find the information about Kandinsky:

*Recordeu d’enviar-me l’activitat quan acabeu. O bé per correu ( o bé compartint-me la carpeta da Art & Craft a Drive.