ENGLISH (Activitat 19) /27-Maig-2020/: STORY “THE DETECTIVE”

Listen the audio to start.



ACTIVITY 1: read the story on your STUDENT’S BOOK pages 52-53.
(Online book: Unit 5, lesson 5).
Audio of the story:


If you want you can watch the video of the story on the online book.
(Si voleu podeu mirar el vídeo de la història en el llibre online).

ACTIVITY 2: record a video reading the story. Becareful with the pronunciation!
(Graveu un vídeo llegint la història. Vigileu amb la pronunciació!)

*Pengeu el vídeo a la carpeta de Drive.

ACTIVITY 3: take the ACTIVITY BOOK, page 42 and do the exercises 1, 2 and 3. They are very easy!



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