ACTIVITAT 5 (English) /01-Abril-2020/ CORRECTION and ACTIVITIES

Good morning!

You can find the correction of the exercises: ACTIVITY BOOK page 30 activities 1 and 2.

After correcting, take your STUDENT’S BOOK. Page 40. We are going to do exercises 1 and 2. To do them you will need to open the VIRTUAL BOOK: Unit 4, Lesson 3.
Play the video in exercise 1. GRAMMAR GREG. (A dalt de tot hi posa ANIMATED COMIC, cliqueu allà i s’obrirà el video!)

After watching the video, you can continue with exercise 2 on the STUDENT’S BOOK.
(Veureu que en el listening, falten una part dels preus dels productes. Al costat dels productes, en el mateix llibre, escriviu en paraules el preu sencer!)

Now, the last thing that you have to do: take your ACTIVITY BOOK and you can do exercises 1 and 2 on page 31.

That’s it! Next day, more!

(Si teniu algun dubte o problema amb el llibre virtual, no dubteu en escriure’m al meu correu.



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