ENGLISH (Activitat 7) /21-Abril-2020/: PARTS ANIMAL BODY


Today you are going to do an interesting and funny activity.

I have prepared a questionnaire for you about the parts of the body of animals.
You have to watch a video, and write on your notebook the different parts of the animals’ body that appear.

After watching the video and writing on your notebook the parts, you have to answer some questions.

Click to the image of the animals below and…you can start!

He preparat un qüestionari per vosaltres sobre les parts del cos dels animals.
Heu de mirar un vídeo, i escriure a la vostra llibreta les diferents parts del cos dels animals que hi apareixen.

Després de mirar el vídeo i d’escriure les parts del cos, heu de contestar les preguntes.


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