ACTIVITAT 6 (English) /16-Abril-2020/: ANIMALS


Today we are going to work also with books, but don’t worry, I promise you that next week we will do special activities!
Remember that is important to repeat the videos three or four times to understand them perfectly!

So then, you have to do 3 activities:

First activity Student’s Book page 44 activity 1 Virtual Book, Unit 4 Lesson 6 Listen the words and repeat.

Second activity Student’s Book page 44 activity 2 Virtual Book, Unit 4 Lesson 6 Listen the song.
Then watch the video of HAS/HASN’T.
Third activity Activity Book page 35 activities 1 and 2

Let’s work!

(Si hi ha algú que no té l’ACTIVITY BOOK, que m’envii un mail i li passaré les imatges per poder fer les activitats).

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