Ordering words

Working on grammar in a funny way:

In order to keep a language alive, it is necessary to use it as long as possible. We must create situations where its use is essential to be able to communicate.
We work on small groups; each group invented a sentence and separate the words. The other groups, had to put the words in order to get the correct final sentence.… Llegeix més»

Electrical circuits


In our latest Science unit, we have entered into the world of magnetism and electricity. This fact has helped us to discover and understand how many and various devices, in our home and in our environment, work thanks to these two physical phenomena.… Llegeix més»


Els alumnes de sisè, enguany, hem tingut molta sort, hem pogut anar de colònies tot i la situació complicada que tenim i que es va arreglant dia a dia.Hem estat a l’Horta de Sant Joan, un poble situat a la Terra Alta, el poble medieval que va enamorar a Picasso. Terra de vins, oliveres, pins i alzinars.Ens hem allotjat a la casa de colònies “els Olivers” des d’on ens hem desplaçat per fer les diferents activitats:… Llegeix més»