Ordering words

Working on grammar in a funny way:

In order to keep a language alive, it is necessary to use it as long as possible. We must create situations where its use is essential to be able to communicate.
We work on small groups; each group invented a sentence and separate the words. The other groups, had to put the words in order to get the correct final sentence.

We did it in a funny way: we wrote each word on a small paper, and each classmate took one and placed it on a visible part of her/his body.

At this point, each student was a word, and had to find their correct place within the sentence and, of course, with the group help.

It has been an inclusive and collaborative work, where the success of the group, has been the success of each one. We have helped each other and overcome the doubts together.


Treballant la gramàtica d’una manera divertida:
Per tal de mantenir una llengua viva cal usar-la el major temps possible. Hem de crear situacions on sigui imprescindible el seu ús per poder-se comunicar.
En petits grups, hem inventat frases, les quals havien d’ordenar els companys dels altres grups.
Ho hem fet de manera activa i divertida: escrivíem cada paraula en un pòsit i cada company n’agafava una i la col·locava en una part visible del seu cos. Ens havíem d’ordenar de manera que la frase final fos la correcta.
Ha estat un treball inclusiu i col·laboratiu, on l’èxit del grup, ha estat l’èxit de cadascú. Ens hem ajudat i superat els dubtes junts/es.

Cicle Superior: English

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