Our European Project: A bridge between countries

The 4th graders of the school have carried out an eTwinning project called “A bridge between countries” with the students of 4th grade from Cabriès (France) where English was the means of communication.

We started in the first term by looking for information about France: population, flag, important cities, president of the country… The students from France did the same activity with our country.

Then we introduced ourselves by explaining our personal information, hobbies, likes and dislikes. We read their information in the site to know them a little bit more. We also shared photos and videos with them and our summer plans.

The last activity was a videoconference where we explained the games we play at the break time and then we sang songs in our languages.

If you want to see us in the different tasks we did for this project, just click on the following picture.

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