Show and tell in 5th grade

In March and April our 5th graders have presented one of their favourite objects to their class and talked about it. This activity is called Show and tell.

All the students have brought an object from home and they have explained in English why they chose that particular item, where they got it, and other important information. Then the other students asked questions about it.

If you want to take a look at our favourite objects, click on the following picture.

Building sentences in 1st grade

The 1st graders of our school have been learning about pets, their adjectives and how to make sentences about them.

In groups, we ordered the words in the correct way to make affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences.

We have also talked about our pets and the ones we would like to have at home and where they live: inside or outside.

Have a look at our photos by clicking on the following picture:

Reunió d’ecodelegats

Aquest mes de gener hem dut a terme la primera reunió d’ecodelegats d’aquest curs, que són els i les representants d’escola verda.

Des de 2n fins a 6è s’escullen dos alumnes per classe, els quals es reuneixen per tal de parlar, debatre i buscar solucions a possibles problemes que puguin sorgir en el dia a dia de l’escola.

En la trobada es va llegir l’acta de la sessió anterior i es van abordar temes com el reciclatge a l’hora del pati, l’ús dels WC tant del pati com dels diferents espais o començar a plantar a l’hort.

Va ser una reunió molt enriquidora de la qual es va fer acta i els representants de cada aula van explicar els acords als seus companys i companyes. A la propera reunió es parlaran dels temes que ens van quedar pendents.

Our vegetable garden

The first graders of the school want to present you all the work we have done in our vegetable garden.

We started in April, in Science workshop, by preparing the land and planting the seeds of four vegetables: radish, carrot, lettuce and spinach. We watered them and waited for the results.

We recorded all the growing process in a lapbook and we also visited a vegetable garden in Golmés.

If you want to see us in all this process, click on the following picture:



10th English Day

Last Friday, the 5th and 6th graders from our school attended the 10th English day in Mollerussa.

We had a great day where we did different activities in groups and we had fun using English as a means communication. We also made new friends from other schools in Pla d’Urgell.

Two of our students were in charge of reading the closure speech and then we all danced the song Flowers by Miley Cyrus.

After having lunch, we enjoyed our free time playing in the park.

Click on the photo to see us in the English Day!


Sortida a Mollerussa de Cicle Inicial

L’alumnat de 1r i 2n hem visitat la capital de Pla d’Urgell, Mollerussa.

Al matí hem anat al Museu dels Vestits de Paper on, a través del conte de la Botonet, hem conegut la seva història. Hi ha vestits de tot tipus: d’època, fantasia i moda actual. També hem fet un taller on, tot cosint, hem elaborat un moneder.

Després hem anat a dinar al parc de les piscines i hem pogut gaudir d’una estona d’esbarjo.

Cliqueu a la foto del Museu dels Vestits de Paper per veure tot el que hem fet.

The 4th graders meet penfriends from Greece

The students from 4th grade have started a new Etwinning project called “Let’s be penfriends” with other 4th graders from Thessaloniki (in Greece).

The first activity has been introducing ourselves to the Greek students by writing our descriptions on a website and include a photo of ourselves with numbers in order they can guess “who is who”. The students from Greece have done the same activity and you can see us in the following photos trying to know the name of each student in the photos.

If you click on the Greek flag, you can see us in this funny task!

Dia Escolar de la No-violència i la Pau

El dia 30 de gener per la tarda, tot l’alumnat de l’escola vam celebrar el dia de la No-violència i la Pau.

Com que aquest curs fem el projecte interdisciplinari de les cuines del món, els i les alumnes de sisè van ser els encarregats/des de cuinar una recepta per la pau amb els ingredients que els diferents cursos van anar afegint a les olles. En cada un d’aquests ingredients, hi havia una paraula o frase relacionades amb aquest dia tan assenyalat.

Quan les olles van acabar de fer xup xup, vam repartir el que dins hi havíem posat i cadascú es va poder endur a casa un trosset del que havíem cuinat entre tots.

Si voleu fer un cop d’ull a les fotos, cliqueu al símbol de la pau.



Show and tell in 5th grade

From the month of October to the month of December, each of the students from 5th grade has presented which is his/her favourite object to the classmates.

The first minutes of each lesson were devoted to give three clues to the others who had to guess what was the object. Once they knew it, they showed it and explained why it was so important for them. Then they asked questions about it.

It has been a funny and motivating activity for the students and at the same time they were learning English.

Click on the picture for the photos.


We go to the theatre

The 24th November, the 3rd and 4th graders from our school went to Teatre l’Amistat, in Mollerussa, to see a play. It was called Excalibur. The story begins in Camelot where three monks create a magic sword that can only belong to the king of England…

As we worked some previous activities before seeing it, we sang all the songs and enjoyed the play a lot. One of our students went on stage to participate in the play.

Click on the photo to see us!!