The current school year, our 6th graders from IE Vila-romà have been working with grate care on the English Day celebration with different schools of Baix Empordà: Corçà, La Bisbal, Calonge and Mont-ras.
The topic chosen was the OCEAN and we could design awesomes SEA HEROES ready to help us to SAVE OUR SEAS with the use of their superpowers.
The English Day took place last 26th of May; we could enjoy with our new friends and partners playing some language games as they were running dictation, the alphabet game, recycling race among others.
Afterwards, we could enjoy a theater play named “The plastic Mermaid” by Jumping Ducks company. We understood the need of our actions in order to save the oceans. Finally we sang a catchy song called “SAY NO TO PLASTIC”.
It was a lovely and rewarding English Day!
We hope to participate next year!
Àlbum fotogràfic de l’activitat

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