Hi! This week we have started the scientific news. Sixth grade students go to the different classes of our school and they have explained some habits and routines for a healthy life style.

Some of the ingredients for a healthy life are:

  1. You have to practice sport every day.
  2. Don’t eat fast food every day.
  3. You need to sleep nine or ten hours.
  4. Drink a lot of water and not a lot of coke, fanta,..
  5. It is very important to brush your teeth every day.
  6. It is very important to wash your hands before you eat.

We really encourage you to follow these healthy habits!

We hope you like this information and thank you very much for your attention.

It has been a great experience that the oldest students have explained this article in English. They also brought some material (fruit, vegetables, …) to make the explanation more easy to understand. Here you can see in the photos.

Here you have some links to watch at the youtube channel:


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