Spring Festival 2021

With the Spring Festival wrapped up for this year, our feelings are incredibly positive and
reflect how proud we feel. This year’s Spring Festival has been different for so many reasons,
and for so many of us. But the roles played by all our centres in el Prat have been remarkable.

At ‘Tarra’ school, speaking and music games have been at the heart of our Spring Festival
week. Starting with several dancing and singing activities for toddlers and lower grades, all the
way to amazing tongue twisters and map/directions games aimed at squeezing the very
potential of our students’ conversation skills.

Thanks to these great activities sent to us by our friends from other schools in El Prat, as well as
our determination to collaborate and succeed, the threat to our city has been removed. On the
last day, we managed to build up a great message in Catalunya Square, showing nothing but
the way we have worked during this busy week and throughout this unpredictable school year.
It was not fast and it was certainly not easy, however we were not alone. And this time, that
meant we could go a lot further.

Introduction to the Spring Festival

Photos CI

Short video CM (more videos are being prepared!)

Photos CS

Vídeos CS:  Mostres del treball fet

We opened the secret box!

And the major sent a video thanking us for our collaboration

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