20th May At the train station

Hello kids!?

How are you doing?

Please look at this video:


Now, answer the following questions:

1. (DIALOGUE 1) Hello, (…) Manchester, please.

I’d like to go to
how can I go to
a single to

2. That’s (…)

21 pounds.
21 euros.
12 dollars.

3. What (…)

time does the next train leave?
time’s the next train?
time do I take the next train?

4. At (…)


5. Which (…)

platform is it?
platform shall I go to?
do I go to?

6. Platform (…)


7. (DIALOGUE 2) Good morning, (…)

I’d like a return to Cardiff, please.
Can I have a return to Cardiff, please.
A return to Cardiff, please.

8. For (…)

next Thursday the 25th.
next Tuesday the 25th.
next Tuesday the 25.

9. Yes, (…)

that’s it!
that’s ok!
that’s right!

10. So, what time (…)

do you want to travel?
would you like to travel?
are you going to travel?

11. (…) at 11 o’clock in the morning.

I’ve got to be in Cardiff (…)
I want to be in Cardiff (…)
I need to be in Cardiff (…)

12. So (…)

you need the 2:08.
you need the 8:20.
you need the 8:02.

13. What time (…)

does it arrive?
do I arrive?
does the train arrive?

14. At (…)

(…) 10:15.
(…) 10:50.
(…) 05:10.

15. That’s …

14.25 pounds
40.25 dollars
40.25 pounds


Thank you very much indeed.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much.
Please send me your answers to my mail.
Have a happy day!?

20th May. What’s your name? – Personal Information

Hello children!!! ?
How are you?
I hope you are super great!
Today, you have to watch and listen a video:
Now, answer :

1. Where does Kelly live?

a.) Los Angeles, California
b.) Farmer, California

2. What is Christina’s telephone number?

a.) (512) 281-4695
b.) (512) 381-4685

3. How do you spell Ed’s middle name?

a.) Wisely
b.) Wesley

4. Where does Sasha live?

a.) Moscow, Russia
b.) Boston, Massachusetts

5. How do you spell Morgan’s last name?

a.) Wade
b.) Wedi

6. What is Riley’s address?

a.) 7421 Bath Street, Santa Barbara, CA.
b.) 7431 Van Street, Santa Barbara, CA.

7. What is Tom’s telephone number?

a.) 415 810 1328
b.) 415 810 3128

8. Where is Alejandro from?

a.) Mexico
b.) Guatemala

9. Where does Harry live?

a.) England
b.) Ireland

10. What is Maxwell’s middle name?

a.) Benjamin
b.) Fox
c.) Max
Please send me your answers to my mail: rosagarcia@pereanton.cat
A big hug!?
Have a nice day!


20th May The Rain Forest



How are you?

I hope you are great.

Please watch this video:

Now, answer this:

One essential requirement for the existence of a rainforest is

a humid climate
a foggy climate
a warm climate

Which country is NOT mentioned as having the largest amount of rainforest in the world?

Papua New Guinea

How much does it rain per year?

8 inches
18 inches
80 inches

What percentage of the world’s population of plants and animals lives in the rainforests?

just 50%

less than 50%

more than 50%

The Amazon Rainforest is

the biggest on Earth
the oldest on Earth
the wettest on Earth

How many bridges are there over the Amazon river?

very few
a lot
Here is the transcript.
Rainforests are not seen in your backyard and maybe not even in the country where you live. Certain
conditions need to be met in order for a rainforest to exist. First of all there must be a warm climate.Many of the world’s tropical rainforest regions are located on or around the equator or the tropics.
In fact, many countries have rain forests. The countries with the largest amount of rain forests are
Brazil, Congo, Indonesia, Peru, Bolivia, Angola, Venezuela, Papa New Guinea, Mexico, and India.In a tropical rainforest it rains nearly every day and they get about 80 inches of rain a year. These
rainforests have an average temperature of about 85 degrees Fahrenheit or 29 degrees Celsius.

Rainforest cover about six to seven percent of the Earth’s surface and contain more than half of the
world’s population of plants and animals. Most of these plants and animals we will never see or even
hear about because of their small size, inability to live or exist in another region, and because many
are close to extinction which means the disappearance of a species.

The largest rainforest on planet Earth is located along the Amazon River Basin in the continent of
South America. The Amazon is one of the longest rivers in the world and is never crossed by a

A rainforest could not exist in another part of the world, such as the desert, because of the lack of
rainfall and it would never survive in the Arctic regions because it is simply too cold.


20th May What a Wonderful World


Today’s task is a song.
I just love this song.
Louis Armstrong has a unique voice and all the instruments sound just wonderful like the title of this song.
 It’s an old song but I hope you like it.
Listen to the song and choose the word you hear.

1. ________ trees of green, red roses too

a.) I ski
b.) I see

2. I see them bloom, for _____________

a.) me and you
b.) my and your

3. And _________ to myself, what a wonderful world.

a.) I think
b.) I sink

4. I see ________ of blue and clouds of white

a.) eyes
b.) skies

5. The bright blessed days, the dark sacred ________

a.) nights
b.) lights

6. And I think to myself, what a ________ world

a.) colorful
b.) wonderful

7. The colors of the rainbow, so _________ in the sky

a.) pretty
b.) windy

8. Are also on the __________ of people going by

a.) faces
b.) races

9. I see ___________ shaking hands saying, “How do you do?”

a.) men
b.) friends

10. They’re really saying,”________________.”

a.) I like you
b.) I love you

11. _________ babies crying, I watch them grow

a.) I fear
b.) I hear

12. They’ll _____ much more than I’ll ever know

a.) learn
b.) earn
It’s very very easy.
Have a wonderful day,
Espai per a fitxers adjunts

If you think this activity is too easy or too difficult for you, please let me know.

20th May Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I don’t

Hello families,

Please watch this video:
Qui vulgui pot practicar, repetir o fer el seu propi vídeo. També el podeu enviar a rosagarcia@pereanton.cat.
More English?
Here you have this funny story about dogs, big, small, green , red, yellow,…
Have a nice day,??


Miércoles, 20 de mayo. Crea tu propio juego.

Buenos días!


Habéis jugado alguna vez con un crucigrama o sopa de letras?






La actividad de hoy os propongo que hagáis vuestro propio juego lingüístico. Tenéis que escoger un tema, por ejemplo: El MEDIO AMBIENTE. Podéis trabajar palabras relacionadas el tema en una sopa de letras o crucigrama: aire, atmósfera, biodiversidad, biosfera, clima, ecosistemas…

Ejemplo de una sopa de letras con el tema del medio ambiente: 



Aquí os dejo unos cuantos recursos de páginas web que os permitirán generar algún juego.

  1. Crucigrama: http://www.educima.com/crosswordgenerator/spa/
  2. Sopa de letras:

También podéis hacer el juego en papel y luego hacer una fotografía.

Importante! Cuando hayas terminado tu tarea tienes que compartir el juego en el google classroom en la carpeta correspondiente: “Miércoles, 20 de mayo. Crea tu propio juego”.

Ya tengo ganas de ver vuestros juegos lingüísticos!

Un abrazo,


20th May Octopus and fish!


How are you?

Please, watch this water video.

You can practice, repeat, play or make your own water video.

If you like, you can send me your video to: rosagarcia@pereanton.cat

Have a nice day!!

Kisses and hugs,



20 de maig 2020

Bon dia!!!!!!!!      Avui fem Castellà. 

Mireu, m’he trobat un petit conte que té els paràgrafs desordenats. Em podrieu ajudar a endreçar el conte per a que tingui sentit al llegir-lo?

                                                                 EL PIRATA DESTARTALADO

Aquel corsario destartalado ya no tenía cuchillos, ni garfios, ni parche en el ojo…..ni cara de malo. Pero tenía unas uñas tan largas, que le servían de ancla cuando frenaba su barco.

Ya no le quedaban fuerzas a aquel pirata, para seguir intentando lo de ser un pirata malo. Y decidió, tras mucho pensar, dejar de asaltar otros barcos en alta mar y dedicarse a la pesca.

El pirata descansaba siempre en islas desiertas, puesto que todo desaparecía nada más posarse en ellas. Y así vivía asustando al miedo, con su ojo de palo, su pata llena de ojos y sus pies llenos de pelo.

Y a partir de entonces, la mala suerte ya no vino a visitarlo nunca más…y pescaba muchos peces que regalaba a sus amigos. 

Érase una vez un pirata, al que la mala suerte (sin saber por qué), le había venido a ver… El pirata tenía un ojo de palo, una pata llena de ojos y hasta una larga melena, que se le había mudado de la cabeza a los pies.


El tens també a la teva carpeta de Drive de la setman 6 per a que el puguis endreçar més fàcilment.

Fins demà!!!!!!

Dimarts, 19 de maig. Resolem enigmes matemàtics!

Bon dia alumnes de 6è,


L’activitat d’avui consisteix en resoldre els següents enigmes matemàtics. És important que reviseu bé les respostes abans d’enviar el formulari i marqueu l’opció com a tasca feta en el google classroom.


Molta sort!
