19th June. It’s been a pleasure to teach you!!

Good morning!

What can I say in your last day of the elementary school?

I remember when you were in 2nd grade. Wow!! Time flies!

Good luck with your new life, friends, teachers,…

I wish you all the best in every aspect of your life.

If anytime, you need me, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

You can always come to visit us to Pereanton School.

It’s been a pleasure to teach you!!

A big, big, big, hug to all of you.

Take care, be good and happy.

Rosa rosagarcia@pereanton.cat

17th June School’s out!

Good morning kids!
How are you?
This is our last English task. Please go to:


Then, go to: student’s access. Write your username: richmond2020  and password: richmond
Go to student’s I-book
Choose your level: 3
Go to: school’s out
Now, do the exercise 1 and 2. Learn the song and read.
If you have problems open the book, here you have the page.

Do you want to play? You can make page 70 and 71.

To finish, thank you for watching all the videos and doing your English homework.

Here you have the last video:

Have a wonderful summer!


17th June Have a wonderful summer!

Hello families!

I hope you have enjoyed the videos and songs. Here you have a revision of some of them.

Fish and octopus:


Days of the week:


Little conversation:


Colours in a box


Here  you can see the last English video:


Take care, have fun, and enjoy the summer!


Espai per a fitxers adjunts

15th June The last video

Good morning families!!!?

How are you??
Watch the last English video:?
You can practice and review in your house.
Have a wonderful wonderful wonderful summer!
Please take care.
Kisses and hugs,

10th June Food in Canada

Good morning kids!
How are you?

Look, today you have to go to:


Then go to student’s access
Write your username: richmond2020  and password: richmond
Go to student’s i-book
Choose your level: 3
Go to unit 6 Fabulous Food
Go to lesson 8, page 6. Now, do the exercise 1 and 2.

Have a wonderful day!
