Arts and Crafts ( Hurricanes and life drawing)

The second grade class are called the hurricanes. The wind at school is very hard and they flew away as you can see in the photos. Luckily, they are safe.
They used blue paints and water to paint the background, the used a white chalk to draw the hurricane wind and I took them some photos pretending they were flying. Finally, we displayed the pictures on the corridor and everybody love them.

They also drew some life drawings of their shoes. It was a smelly and funny class. they took out their shoes and drew them. They observed the shape, the size, the details, the textures and the results were awesome.

El grup de segon s’anomenen els huracans. El vent a l’escola és molt fort i han sortit volant com podeu veure a les fotos. Per sort, estan bé.

Han utilitzat pintura blava dissolta amb aigua per pintar el fons, guix per dibuixar el vent huracanat i els hi vaig fer unes fotos fent veure que volaven. Finalment, ho hem exposat al passadís i a tothom li encanta.

També han dibuixat dibuixos al natural de les seves sabates. Va ser una classe divertida, on a estonetes, ens vam tapar el nas. Van observar la forma, la mida, els detalls, les textures i els resultats són magnífics.