Do you know that Barcelona was founded by the Romans in the late 1st century BC by emperor Augustus? We are studying the Ancient Age that began at the end of the iron Age and started with the invention of writing ( about 4000 BC) and ended with the fall of the Western Roman Empire (500 AD). We have visited the Roman Barcino, we have seen the old Roman walls, the fullonica (laundry), the place where they made garum ,a fermented fish sauce and we have learned how the city was and how their inhabitants lived. Ah! And we have also seen the Temple of Augustus. Amazing!

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Sabíeu que Barcelona va ser fundada pels romans durant el segle I DC per l’emperador August? Estem estudiant l’Edat Antiga que va començar al final de l’Edat de Ferro amb la invenció de l’escriptura (al voltant del 4000 AC) i va acabar amb la CaiguDa de l’Imperi Romà d’Occident (500 DC). Hem visitat la Barcino romana, hem vist les velles muralles romanes, la fullonica (bugaderia), el lloc on feien el garum , una salsa fermentada de peix i hem après com era la ciutat i com vivien els seus/les seves habitants. Ah! I també hem visitat el Temple d’ August. Sorprenent!


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