Hello second grade families!

During this month we have been working in Science the first unit, related to the Solar System. We are learning a lot!

-The planets of the Solar System.

-The phases of the moon.

– The rotation movement of the Earth.

– The revolution movement of the Earth.

-The seasons of the year.

-The day and the night.

In class we use diverse and especially visual and manipulative material that helps us to understand better all these concepts: posters, flashcards, games on the Digital Board, mimics games like Simon Says, bingos, memories… in addition, we do manipulative tasks, as for example, we made a model to understand the two movements of the Earth around the sun. As a final product, we made an oral presentation in which we became planet presenters! We worked on English oral expression, memory, public speaking, teamwork… quite a challenge!!!

During CLIL classes, we take into account some important aspects to help students understand the learning: to use clear instructions, to establish routines during lessons, to always give examples and models before starting any task accompanied by verbal instructions and to check the correct understanding of the activity.

Soon we will start a new topic, we are really looking forward to it!


Hola famílies de segon de Primària!

Durant aquest mes hem estat treballant a Science la primera unitat, relacionada amb el Sistema Solar. Estem aprenent un munt de coses! 

-Els planetes del Sistema Solar.

-Les fases de la lluna.

-El moviment de rotació de la Terra.

-El moviment de translació de la Terra.

-Les estacions de l’any.

-El dia i la nit.

A classe utilitzem material divers i especialment visual i manipulatiu que ens ajuda a comprendre millor tots aquests conceptes: pòsters, targetes visuals, jocs a la Pissarra Digital, jocs com el Simon Says de mímica, bingos, memoris…a més a més, les feines que realitzem tenen a veure material fungible, com per exemple, vam realitzar una maqueta per entendre els dos moviments de la Terra al voltant del sol. Com a producte final, hem fet unes exposicions orals en les quals ens hem convertit presentadors/es de planetes! Hem treballat l’expressió oral anglesa, la memòria, el parlar en públic, treball en equip…tot un repte!!!

Durant les classes d’AICLE, tenim en compte alguns aspectes importants per ajudar l’alumnat a entendre els aprenentatges: utilitzar instruccions clares, establir rutines durant les lliçons, donar sempre exemples i models abans de començar qualsevol tasca acompanyat de les instruccions verbals i comprovar la comprensió correcta de l’activitat.

D’aquí poc començarem nou tema, tenim moltes ganes!


MERCURY: Mercury is very hot during the day and very cold at night.

VENUS: Venus is covered in lava rocks from volcanos.

EARTH: Earth has water so plants, animals and people can survive.

MARS: Mars looks red because there is a lot of iron in the rocks.

JUPITER: Jupiter is so big all the other planets could fit inside it.

SATURN: Saturn’s rings are made up of billions of bits of icy rocks.

URANUS: Uranus has rings, but they are hard to see. It spins on it’s side.

NEPTUNE: Neptune is made of gas. Jupiter and Saturn are also made of gas.

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