Ability bingo:

“Ability Bingo” is an interactive language learning activity that focuses on speaking skills within a safe and encouraging environment. The bingo slots have statements that begin with “Can…” for instance, “Can name 10 colors”.

The students must use their English language skills to find another… Llegeix més»


El passat divendres 8 de març a l’escola vam celebrar el dia de la dona treballadora. Com cada any, vam col·laborar creant biografies de dones compositores per decorar l’exposició d’enguany, i hem pogut anar a visitar-la.
Allà hem vist diferents dones artistes i compositores, una… Llegeix més»


Learning science in a non-native language offers children numerous advantages. Beyond acquiring scientific knowledge, it enhances their language proficiency, fostering bilingualism and cognitive flexibility.
Scientific concepts often transcend language barriers, providing a practical context for learning new vocabulary and complex ideas. In second grade science we… Llegeix més»