The 3Rs by the 5th grade students.

The 3Rs are very important, not only do they help us take better care of the environment but they also can improve our lives in many ways. The 5th grade students have come up with useful ideas to reduce, reuse and recycle. First, you will see very clever ways in which we can reuse old stuff to make other great things. If we put ours minds to work, like the 5th grade students just did, we can be very original. Then, some advice is offered on how to reduce and recycle. Taken together, they can have quite a positive impact on the environment and ours lives. You can see the Padlet here.

Les 3Rs són molt importants, no solament ens ajuden a preservar el medi ambient sinó que tambè poden millorar les nostres vides. Els alumnes de 5è han elaborat idees molt útils per reduir, reutilitzar i reciclar. Primer, veuràs formes molt intel·ligents amb les quals podem reutilitzar coses velles per fer-ne de noves. Si ens hi esmerem, com els alumnes de 5è, podem ser molt originals. Després, ens donen alguns consells sobre com reduir i reciclar. Totes juntes poden tenir un gran impacte sobre el medi ambient i les nostres vides. Aquí podeu accedir al Padlet.

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