Els nens i nenes d’Infantil i Cicle Inicial hem gaudit de l’obra de teatre: “NIL I LA CASA DE XOCOLATA“, a càrrec de la companyia La pantomima. Hem rigut amb els protagonistes, ens hem sorprès amb l’escenari i ens han agradat molt els sons i la música.

Ha estat molt divertida i ens ho hem passat molt bé!!

Per veure les fotos cliqueu aquí.

Pre-primary and first grade pupils have enjoyed a theatre play called “NIL AND THE CHOCOLATE HOUSE” which is produced by La pantomina. We have laughed a lot with the main characters. We have liked the scenic stage, the sound and the music. We have been astonished!

It has been amusing!  We have had lots of fun!

If you want to see some photos, click on this link.

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