Halloween Escape Room

The sixth grade students organized and put together an Escape Room on Halloween ( October 31st) for their fellow Primary friends. They made scary decorations, which they put up around their classroom, and wrote riddles related to this festivity. The different groups that passed through the Escape Room had to solve the riddles in order to find a key that lead to the treasure (candy). The children had a lot fun and the sixth graders did a great job!.

Els alumnes de 6è van organitzar una Escape Room el dia de La Castanyada/Halloween per la resta dels nens de Primària. Van elaborar un decorat terrorífic que van anar penjant per tota la seva classe i van escriure endevinalles relacionades amb aquesta festivitat. Els grups que van visitar la Escape Room van haver de solucionar les endevinalles per tal de trobar una clau que finalment duia al tresor. Els nens/es s’ho van passar molt bé i els de 6è ho van fer genial.

you can see the picture here/aquí


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