A visit from Austria

Last Thursday, 17th of December, Laia Font, a former student  from our school, visited us with her new friend from Austria.

These days a group of students from different european countries are staying in Manlleu with students of the Antoni Pous Institute. It is an exchange project.

Laia’s friend is named Jenifer and she is from Austria. She is 12 years old and she speaks German and English.

She explained us the Christmas traditions of her country and we told her some traditions of our culture. It was nice to have her in our class.

She will stay in Manlleu till next Saturday and Laia will show her a lot of things about our town.

We will hang a photo in a few days……… Let’s wait……..

(Text prepared with the 6th A level) .

Activitats d’anglès de Cicle Mitjà

A continuació us proposem diferents activitats per practicar anglès des de casa i d’una manera divertida:

1.Lyrics training. Web de videoclips on heu d’omplir les paraules que falten de les cançons.

2 Daily rutines. Aprèn les rutines bàsiques de cada dia.

3.Human body. Aprèn el vocabulari del cos humà.

4.Our english friends. Diferents activitats per aprendre vocabulari i passar-s’ho bé.

5. Christmas games and activities. Activitats de Nadal

We wish you a happy holidays!




Campanya recollida d’aliments solidaris Nadal 15/16

Des de l’escola volem donar les gràcies a tothom per la col·laboració rebuda en la recollida d’aliments del present curs i dels anys anteriors. Aquests són els quilograms que finalment hem pogut recollir:

Curs 12/13= 164 kg

Curs 13/14= 96.5 kg

Nadal 14/15= 36 kg

Nadal 15/16= 48 kg

Moltes gràcies a tothom per aquesta solidaritat. Us desitgem un Bon Nadal!!!