La setmana passada els nens i nenes del Tram dels Mitjans van aprendre cançons i poemes d’hivern a l’hora d’anglès. A 1r i 2n, es van aprendre una cançó i una petita coreografia que us ajudarà a entendre de què tracten. Tanmateix, els i les alumnes de 3r han après un poema de memòria per recitar-lo.

Tant amb les cançons com amb el poema, han après vocabulari relacionat amb l’hivern i han practicat la pronunciació. Han fet un gran esforç, li han posat ganes i s’ho han passat molt bé preparant-los.

Esperem que us agradin!!

Per accedir, només heu de fer click a sobre del títol.

1r – Canten la cançó Little snowflake, de Super Simple Songs.

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.
Little snowflake falling from the sky.
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,
falling, falling, falling, falling…
falling on my head.

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.
Little snowflake falling from the sky.
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.
Falling, falling, falling, falling, falling,
falling, falling, falling, falling…
falling on my nose.

Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.
Little snowflake falling from the sky.
Snowflake, snowflake, little snowflake.



2n – Canten la cançó I’m a little snowman 2nA i 2nB, de Super Simple Songs.

I’m a little snowman, look at me.
These are my buttons, 1 2 3.
These are my eyes and this is my nose.
I wear a hat and scarf. Brrr…it’s cold!

I’m a little snowman, look at me.
These are my buttons, 1 2 3.
These are my eyes and this is my nose.
I wear a hat and scarf. Brrr…it’s cold!

I’m a little snowman, look at me.
These are my buttons, 1 2 3.
These are my eyes and this is my nose.
I wear a hat and scarf. Brrr…it’s cold!



3r – Reciten el poema Snowball, de Shel Silverstein.

I made myself a snowball
As perfect as could be.
I thought I’d keep it as a pet
And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
And a pillow for its head.
Then last night it ran away,
But first it wet the bed.

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