Intercanvi d’anglès de Münster – Últim dia i tornada / English Exchange with Münster – Last Day & Return

Dimarts 12 ha sigut un últim dia d’intercanvi on els alumnes alemanys han pogut assistir a les nostres aules catalanes durant les primeres hores. Seguidament, han fet un picnic a l’aula exterior de l’institut, organitzat per ells mateixos.

Durant les últimes hores de classe, s’han dut a terme diferents activitats esportives (tenis de taula, hàndbol, fútbol, etc.) on tots han pogut jugar plegats.

D’altra banda, hem acomiadat les professores alemanyes amb un esmorzar espectacular a la sala de professors i hem fet entrega d’obsequis del nostre centre.

Finalment, a la tarda, les famílies han portat als alumnes a l’aeroport, on s’han acomiadat temporalment, ja que a mitjans d’abril, tornaran a reunir-se a Münster per a completar l’intercanvi!

Tuesday the 12th has been the last day of exchange where German students have been able to attend our Catalan classrooms during the early hours.

Afterwards, they have enjoyed a picnic in our outdoor classroom, organised by themselves.

During the last class hours, different sports activities have been carried out such as table tennis, handball, soccer, etc.) where they have had the chance to play together.

Moreover, we bid farewell to the German teachers with a spectacular breakfast in the teachers’ lounge and we gave them gifts from our school.

Finally, in the afternoon, the families have taken the students to the airport, where they said goodbye temporarily, as in mid-April they will meet again in Münster to complete the exchange!

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