Christmas meeting 2018

El passat dijous 13 de desembre vam fer una activitat d’anglès relacionat amb el nadal. Es tractava d’un concurs on treballaríem junts els nois i noies de 6è de primària de l’Escola de Bosc de Montjuïc i 1r d’ESO del nostre institut, per el concurs. Tres dels alumnes de 1r vam fer la tasca de reporters de l’activitat, la Bronte, el Quim i l’Ana que ara us expliquem, en anglès, com va anar l’activitat.


First the teachers divided the kids into 8 groups and explained the first game. They could use the dictionary in the tablet they were using. They had some pictures and had to match them with the words likepudding, candle…they were very nervous. The group H won!!!

The second game was about the Advent Calendar, it had windows and inside them pictures. They had to match them with some words they had. It took a very looong time to do it and there were some very difficult words likerobin, shepherd… Finally someone won! Group H!

The third game was about classifying names into categories: food, drinks, animals, plants and decorations. There were some very interesting and confusing words like poinsettia, eggnog, dasher… that sure only very little amount of people would know what they were. Nobody finished all the activity so the group with the most number of correct words won. It was…F!!!

The fourth and last game was about Scotland on the north of the UK. They had to complete words about typical things in Scotland to discover how they say New Year in Scotland. Number H won!!!!!!!
Group H had the most points so all the group won sweets!

It was fun doing this kind of activity and we all enjoyed sharing this time with students from Escola de Bosc.

Merry Christmas!

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