Concert del British Hull Secondary School Choir

On Tuesday 22nd October, our secondary school was visited by the British Hull Secondary School Choir. The Hull Collegiate School is one of the leading independent schools in East Yorkshire. This school has a strong music culture and therefore many of the students are involved in the school choir or they are proficient in playing a musical instrument.

This is the third time that our school has been visited by a group of talented British students. This time the music was classical and the students sang in a choir or played string instruments such as the harp or the violin. There was even a boy who danced ballet.

The choir consisted of a group of 20 students aged from 10 to 16. At the beginning, they introduced themselves in Spanish, English and even in Catalan. They performed a total of 12 songs. Some of the highlights of the concert were a beautiful rendition to Hallelijah, the already mentioned ballet dance to the song Deep and the harp performance of the song Adagio, Sonetina No. 6.

At the end, some of the Catalan students asked the English students questions about their lives in England, their school and also questions related to their musical skills and likes and dislikes. Therefore, we could practise our English language skills :-). Even though some of the choir members were a little bit nervous, we enjoyed their performances a lot and they did a great job.

Text de Anna Grau (1r de BAT) editat per Sílvia Sabater

Dimarts dia 22 d’octubre van venir a l’institut de Tossa de Mar una coral de l’institut  britànic‘’The Hull Collegiate School” .

La coral consistia en un grup de 20 alumnes de diverses edats i els dirigia el seu professor de música.

Aquest grup d’alumnes van interpretar 12 cançons diferents. A destacar hi ha l’actuació d’un nen que feia ballet, una nena que va cantar una cançó ella sola, i també els acompanyaments amb instruments de corda (violí i harpa).

L’actuació va durar una horeta i quan van acabar, els alumnes de l’institut de Tossa van fer preguntes als alumnes anglesos amb anglès sobre la seva vida a Anglaterra i a l’escola, els assajos, la música que els agradava…  Ens van explicar que dedicaven moltes hores a la música i que un dia a la setmana el dedicaven exclusivament a practicar.

Ja fa tres anys que tenim el privilegi de rebre visites d’alumnes anglesos que toquen en un grup o canten. Els altres dos anys la música era més moderna i aquest cop era més clàssica. Creiem que està molt bé que es duguin a terme aquest tipus d’iniciatives ja que a part de poder gaudir de la música en viu també podem practicar l’anglès.

Text de Brenda Romero (1r BAT) editat per Sílvia Sabater

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