Intercanvi Copenhaguen-Tossa

Copenhaguen-Tossa Exchange

Last Monday, October 8th, our friends from Copenhaguen arrived at the airport of Barcelona. Everyone who was signed up for the exchange program in 1st of Batxillerat went to pick them up. We got to greet them and chat with them on the bus back home.

When we arrived at school, we all took some pictures with the poster that the students of 1st of Batxillerat had made for them. Then, each of us went home with our respective Danish friend/guest. We had lunch at home and later in the afternoon the whole class met up to give them a little tour of our town. We had so much fun!

They had a pretty busy week; On Tuesday they went to Barcelona, on Wednesday they came with us to school and then went to Girona later in the day. On Thursday they came with us to school for the first 3 hours of class and then we all went on another tour through Tossa, on which we visited La Vila Romana, the local museum, the lighthouse… Friday was a National holiday so each of us spent it in a different way. Some of us celebrated by eating out, having barbecues, going out of town… Sadly, some of the Danish exchange students were leaving that day for personal reasons, so we had to say goodbye to them.

Friday night was so much fun! We all went out to have supper together at a local restaurant. After that the 30 of us went to a bar and had a lot of fun chatting and bonding!

On Saturday, each of us spent the day with our families or friends. At night, we had a very special barbecue and then we went downtown and met up with other people.

Sunday finally came and we all had to wake up early and say goodbye to our new friends, because we wouldn’t be seeing them until next year, which is sad because we had so much fun with them!

This experience was amazing and very positive for us. We all have learned so much about their culture and they have learned so much about ours! I can say from their feedback, that they have specially liked trying our food and traditional cuisine. I speak for the whole class when I say that we can’t wait to go visit them to Copenhaguen and see them again, learn about their hometown and the things they do to have fun!

Text: Raquel Roca

Intercanvi Copenhaguen-Tossa

La segona setmana d’octubre, alumnes de l’institut  Zahles Gymnasieskole de Copenhaguen van venir a fer una estada d’una setmana al nostre preciós poble, Tossa de Mar.

L’intercanvi estava ple de diferents activitats organitzades pels professors i també pels alumnes que hi participaven.

El primer dia que van arribar, dilluns 8 d’octubre, els alumnes de 1r de Batxillerat que duien a terme aquest projecte els van anar a buscar a l’aeroport de Barcelona perquè tinguessin una benvinguda acollidora.

El segon dia, els alumnes de Copenhaguen tenien previst anar a fer una visita a Barcelona, on van poder veure el parc Güell, la Sagrada Família, les cases modernistes de Batlló i Milà i també van tenir l’ oportunitat de poder contemplar una mica per sobre el Camp Nou.

Dimecres 10, els alumnes danesos van poder estar presents a una classe de castellà amb 2n de Batxillerat i a les 11:00h van anar a fer una visita guiada al centre històric de Girona.

Dijous 11 va ser l’últim dia en que els danesos farien activitats de l’institut, ja que el dia següent, divendres 12 era la festa Nacional d’Espanya i per tant, no hi havia classe.

Aquell dia vam poder fer una sèrie d’activitats tots junts  per conèixer-nos millor i després vam anar a fer una visita guiada per la Tossa romana, medieval i moderna.

Els dies següents els alumnes ens havíem de fer càrrec d’ organitzar activitats per a ells ja que volíem que s’emportessin un bon record de Tossa. Ens vàrem posar d’acord per anar a visitar la fira medieval, que donava la casualitat que havia coincidit amb aquella setmana, vam anar a sopar tots junts, i també els vam organitzar una barbacoa de comiat. Va ser una setmana inoblidable!

Text: Sílvia Guardia

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