Erasmus+: Nova mobilitat a ERBA (regió de Lombardia – Itàlia)

Entre el 22 i el 28 d’octubre de 2023, 10 alumnes de 3r d’ESO i dues professores acompanyants participaran en la darrera mobilitat del programa Erasmus+ “Towards a susteinable futur” en què participa el nostre institut. Més endavant, el mes de gener (Col·lege Henri Matisse de Niça) i el mes d’abril (Vervakeio Model Lyceum d’Atenes) serem nosaltres els qui acollirem els alumnes visitants d’aquests centres. Amb tota seguretat els nostres alumnes podran gaudir d’una gran experiència.

Les activitats previstes en aquesta mobilitat (en llengua anglesa com es preveu al programa) seran les següents:

  • Reception and welcome
    1. MORNING: Visit to the school and the laboratories
      1. Puecher, the stumbling block and Falcone’s tree.
      2. Scie lab, robotics lab with demonstrations of students
  • Music lab, with direct experience of hosting students
  1. Lunch: we have to manage it for something
  2. AFTERNOON: Visit to Lake Segrino, considered among the cleanest in Europe, an example of a glacial lake. Accompanied by expert naturalistic guides we will go to the discovery of the history of the lake, of the plant and animal varieties, focusing on native and non-native species.
  • Training on environmental analyzes
    1. Knowledge and use in the laboratory of colorimetric kits for the analysis of water, soil, air
    2. Knowledge and classification of the fauna and flora of our territory
    3. Land activities and data collection with the use of GPS to locate the analysis points; use of dichotomous cards
    4. Use of Excel for tabulation and data processing
    5. Use of software and apps to determine how to separate waste.
  • Cultural visits and moments of aggregation:
  1. Visit to the Natural History museum of Milan and Aquarium; visit to the old town of Milan (Duomo, Castello Sforzesco, …)
  2. Visit to Como (implant of Como Depur for water purification) and a boat trip from Como to Bellagio
  • Creating a final product:
    1. environmental analysis infographics
    2. creation of a simple program with the tools we would have learned to use
  • Greetings activity:
    1. Evaluation of the results and final projects.
    2. Certificate ceremony.
    3. Farewell concert.
    4. Greetings from the participants.