What better way to celebrate Halloween than a spooky escape room?

Our escape room included separate challenges with puzzles that required teamwork, English knowledge, critical thinking and creative problem-solving. These type of activities encourage the students to keep working on their English and have fun at the same time.

Were our students able to escape the classroom before the clock ticked down to zero?


Hi ha una millor manera de celebrar Halloween que una Escape Room?

La nostre Escape Room incloïa diferents desafiaments que requerien treball en equip, coneixement de l’anglès, pensament crític i aprenentatge basat en problemes. Aquest tipus d’activitats ajuden a que l’alumnat s’engresqui a fer ús de la llengua i es diverteixi a l’hora.

Van ser capaços els nostres alumnes d’escapar de l’aula abans que s’acabés el temps?

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