Mannequin challenge of the students of 2nd of ESO I

The students of 2nd of ESO I also did a mannequin challenge. Have a look at this class. Isn’t it a bit messy? What are the students doing? but… do they normally behave like this?

The Mannequin Challenge by Laia Boliart

This is mannequin challenge we did in the English class. It is A diferent day because everybody is doing different things, things that they don’t usually do.

Alba is doing yoga. She usually listens in class. She is tall with long straight black hair and a red streak. Today, she is wearing a black jumper and jeans. She is with Xènia.  Xènia is trying to draw on Alba’s face. She is wearing a black jumper and jeans. Xènia usually sits on the front row.

Albert, the boy with black short hair and brown eyes usually speaks with Gerard but today he is writing something on the computer. Next to Albert, there is Serni and he is doing the water bottle flip challenge but he usually sits next to Raul. Serni is wearing a black sweater.

In the whiteboard there is Judit. She is writing there. She usually takes notes and sits next to Teresa. She is wearing a ponytail, glasses and a white jumper. Gemma usually sits nets to Xènia but today she is focusing on what Judit is writing. She usually listens in class.Maria usually takes notes in her table but today she is in Gerard’s table. Teresa usually sits properly but today she is with her feet on the table. Xènia, the girl with a ponytail is rolling down the blinds.

I am throwing paper balls with Maria and Ares but we are normally friends.

Jana and Ada are fighting with their yellow notebooks. They both have very long hair.

They generally follow the class but sometimes they speak.

Well, we had a very good time recording the video and it was really fun! Everyone is going their on way and it’s nice to see the contrast between this and normal classes.


The Mannequin challenge and how to describe videos by Teresa Velasco

We are in a classroom, we are doing the Mannequin Challenge as an excuse to learn how to describe photos using the Present Simple and  the Present Continuous. I hope you like it.

At the beginning, there is Alba. She’s doing yoga because she’s a really peaceful girl. Next to her there is Xènia Z, she’s trying to touch Alba. Both of them are wearing a jumper and jeans. A little further there are Serni and Albert. Serni is doing the Water Bottle Flip Challenge and Albert is writing a nice text in the computer. They are wearing a tracksuit. They usually listen to the teacher. On the other side there are Judit, Raul and Gemma. Judit and Raul are on the whiteboard. She’s writing something and he is erasing it. Gemma is looking at them while she has the legs on the teacher’s table. The three of them are wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. They usually listen to the teacher. Near them, there are Maria A and me. We are fighting with each other and I am throwing a paper plane to Judit, at least trying. We usually take notes and we are kind to the teacher. Xènia S is rolling up the blinds. She usually listens to the teacher. Laia, Maria G and Ares are throwing paper balls. They are wearing casual clothes. At the end of the class there are Jana and Ada. They are fighting with a notebook. All of them normally pay attention in class. We are a really nice class, but in this video you can see our bad side.

I was delighted to do this activity and we had a really great time filming the video

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