Edna Fontanet – my life in stories


My name is Edna Fontanet Vilanova, I am in my 15th and I live in Artesa de Segre (Lleida, Catalonia). My life has happened many things, from excellent to disgusting, that I would love to share; as I think that my mistakes can help others and, moreover, because I want to express how delighted I am with all my people and with all the decisions that one day I took and that made me the girl who I am. I am going to be brief and I will summarise it in 3 stories.

People define my level of happiness. It has cost me very little to understand that when you are with your people, the ones who make you laugh as it was the end of the world and with the ones you can count on whenever you need to, it nothing else matters. You can be in the smelliest street, at the most boring lesson or, even, in a stormy summer day, that for sure, if you are with them, you will feel wonderful. I have learnt this since I finished 6th of primary, more or less, that was when I started to know with whom I feel the most comfortable.

Change of roles. This is the second year that I train little children and it’s really an activity that fills me completely. Personally, I see it like an opportunity of empathising with all the adults that teach me, because teaching basketball is my task here! I have learnt this is not as easy as it seems; in the same way, though, I like when they make it difficult for me because I love to test myself and reach my goals, and after feel proud of myself. Little girls and boys wake up my creativity and sometimes make me return to few years later; it’s, honestly, a really great sensation.

More than a sport. I have always been an active girl that needs movement and never relax. Therefore, I have played basketball for a lot of years and I went to train and to the matches very happily. However, I had never realised that sport is more than essential for me and my well-being, since I had an important injury in my right knee and doctors forbid me to do any type of sport. After going from a physiotherapist to 3 different orthopaedic surgeons and not playing for 5 months, now I know that I have to be operated. Apart from being scared and worried, being aware of the fact that I cannot play basketball, makes me moody, nervous and stressful. For this reason, there are days when I’m not well enough; Nevertheless, I try to hide my feelings. Due to this awful experience I would recommend you that when you are doing something you really love, enjoy it as much as you can… as you don’t know how long you will be able to keep doing it.

I hope that my experience helps you in some way or, at least, makes you conscious of something.

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