I am Laia Ros Marimon and I was born on the 18th of may 2004 in Artesa de Segre. Nowadays, I am 15 years old. What you see written in this paper isn’t either a book or a novel, is the story of my life. Not long, not remarkable, but for me it’s special, because it’s only mine. I’ve divided it in 3 small stories.


The first one is about sharing. I have two siblings, Marc and Clara. Marc, who now is 9, was born when I was 4. I was used to being the only one in my family. The three of us did what I had to do. As a result of Marc’s birth, my parents had to share their time with me and my brother. At first, it was difficult for me and I was jealous and sometimes I felt angry with them. However, as I have wonderful parents, it didn’t take long to get used to it. Two years later, my sister Clara arrived in the family. I was 6 years by then, so I was starting primary school in Els Planells. The jealousy that I felt when my brother was born, started coming to me again and this time it was stronger. Luckily, my older cousin maria helped me to adapt to this new situation, as she had been through it before.


The second story is about improvement. When I finally reached 5th grade, I was happy, very happy. I had a family who loved me and two best friends. the big shift came with the adolescence. Apart from the period and other physical changes, I entered the most challenging stage in my life. I started to feel uncomfortable with myself. Because of that, I couldn’t sleep at night and it was hard to focus during the day. Moreover, my two best friends and I had some brief conflicts at school with some of my current closest friends. All these topics combined made me feel constantly nervous and stressed. Thankfully, by the end of 6th grade I understood that life is too important to waste it and I tried to live it, just that. A year later, I started high school.


The third story is about living the moment. After studying three years of ESO, last year, I lived the most special and brutal experience in my life: I went for three months to Canada. Everyone thinks that it’s easy to leave everything apart and move 10000 km away from your family and friends. I can say that that’s completely wrong. When I left to Vancouver, I was in 3rd of ESO and I was going through one of the richest moments in my life. It was very hard to take the step, but I don’t regret it. I learnt  that I had to live the moment and I had to take advantage of the chances that life had given. Because of that, my experience in Canada was amazing and memorable. I met a lot of new friends and I learnt to be independent and to take care of my personal belongings. 


And here I am, a summer after that, taking 4th of ESO in Els Planells. I know that my life is not as interesting as Michael Jackson’s, but it’s mine. I just want you to keep this message: “Life is too short to waste it with stupid things”. Live every instant with the people who love you and care for you, that will make your like unique. 


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