My life in stories by Júlia Ribera

My life in stories

I’m Júlia, I was born in 2004 and the first thing that would change my life was that I was diagnosed a visual disease at the age of two and a half. This would make me the way I’m and will let me have a special sensitivity.

My first memory is when I was four and I went to València with my family. We haven’t stopped travelling so far. My parents and sister are wonderful and I can completely rely on them, they are an important part of my life.

Some years later, in the fifth year of primary, I won a poetry contest in my school. I haven’t stopped writing since that moment and this together with singing and other creative activities have become the motors of my life.

The first year of secondary school, I was bullied by some partners. This was a bad experience, but it was the beginning of my being better, stronger and started to grow up. As a result, everything has improved and I have lived awesome experiences such as taking an important part in a musical play and going to Malta on holiday to a summer camp where I met a lot of interesting people from other countries.

One thing that I have learnt is the importance of not worrying if you are different from the rest because you need to be and love yourself.

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