Hello, my name is Gemma and today I am going to tell you three stories about my life, one of my childhood, another of friendship and the last one of the relevance that some people have in our life and we do not realise it until we loose them.

My first memory. I do not remember with clarity my first memory but I remember a sweet feeling and flashes about the moment. It was at the school, I was 4, one month before, my sister had been born. I only remember the surprise that I had when my mother picked me up from school and I noticed that she was carrying my little sister with her. It was amazing.

The next story was when I met my current best friend. We had known each other before, nevertheless, we had never been close. 5 years ago we had to do a project together, as my grandparents and her live in the same village it was easy to meet. That summer we broke the ice. In September, we used to meet with our classmates, every Friday and one afternoon, we only met me and her, and she told me: ‘’okay, from now on I’m not gonna tell anybody whatever you tell me and you will do the same’’. There is where It all started, and nowadays she is my best friend and one of the most important people in my life.

The last one, is the worst one, but in life there are good and bad things. This story is about the death of my grandmother. I always loved being with her, I loved telling her my life, telling her my problems, having fun together, and she was always there when I needed to cry. She was one of the most important supports of my life. I never thought about the day when I should learn how to live without her. But one day I had to. Currently, I still think about her every day.

And these ware the summaries of the three stories that I wanted to highlight from my life. My advice is; value all people in your life. I hope you enjoyed reading them.

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