My life in stories

My life in stories

My name is Mario, I’m 15 years old and I live in Alòs de Balaguer. In this town, I’ve had some great moments.

In Alòs I knew who today are my best friends, we play and talk, and we know each other more and better.

Also, when I was 4 years old I started football, with some classmates. The thruth is that they were very good years, by the way, it was when I learned that sport I love.

When I turned 8 I was given a motorcross motorcycle, to go on the roads, to make circuits, to discover new routes, new landscapes.

From 12 to 15, I have lived very good years, because I learned how to play basketball and in only 2 years I’ve been play with the best team in Lleida, and one of the best in Spain, and ply in the second best league in Catalonia.

As part of the 15, I started going out to parties, shearing with people in their early 20.

With certainty and effort everything is possible.

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